Chellaram Shipping bumps up order tally at New Dayang

Hong Kong-based bulker specialist Chellaram Shipping has added another ultramax to its orderbook in China.

Multiple brokers are linking the Vishal Khurana-led outfit, also known as Chellship, to a 63,000 dwt newbuild booked at New Dayang Shipbuilding for delivery in 2026.

No price has been disclosed, similar to the previous two 64,000 dwt ships the company contracted at the same yard specializing in ultramaxes in September last year.

Chellaram Shipping can trace its roots back to Madras, India, where in 1916 the late Kishinchand Chellaram, founder of the group, established a textile business. The shipping business was set up by Lal Chellaram in Hong Kong in 1979 and today counts 19 ships in its fleet, with three New Dayang newbuilds expected to join the fleet in the coming years.