Oldendorff adds four Japanese vessels to its fleet


German dry bulk owner, Oldendorff Carriers, has revealed a string of deals in Japan that has expanded its fleet by four.

The company has ordered a Capesize bulker at Namura Shipbuilding, with delivery scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2022.

Additionally, Oldendorff has bought three secondhand post-panamaxes from Japanese owners, with the vessels set to be delivered this month and next. Two of the bulkers are built at Imabari, one in 2013 which will be renamed Claas Oldendorff, and one in 2011 which will be renamed Cedric Oldendorff. The other was built at Tsuneishi in 2013 and will be renamed Clivia Oldendorff.

Our operated fleet of around 750 vessels includes 34 ships of all size classes on long period charter from Japanese ship owners, many of whom have a long term relationship with us.